Opening Ceremony of Poole Sanatorium (1932)

Opening Ceremony of Poole Sanatorium (22 June 1932)  (6 photographs)

View of front entrance to Grey Towers.

Alderman and Lieutenant Colonel T Gibson Poole, VD JP delivering his speech.

Poole Sanatorium Opening Ceremony 22 June 1932

His Worship the Mayor, Alderman A Marshall, JP delivering his speech.  Seated at the table (behind the coat of arms) Mrs T Gibson Poole.

Scouts were invited to show visitors around the grounds.

Poole Sanatorium Opening 22 June 1932

Poole Sanatorium Opening 22 June 1932

Councillor Alfred Cooper, Chairman of the Sanatorium Committee, standing with Mrs T Gibson Poole.

Seated behind:  Mr Preston Kitchen, Town Clerk.

Seated in foreground:  Alderman and Lieutenant Colonel T Gibson Poole, VD JP

Poole Sanatorium Opening Ceremony 22 June 1932

From left to right:

–  Councillor Alfred Cooper, Chairman, Sanatorium Committee;
–  Mr Preston Kitchen, Town Clerk;
–  Mrs  Gibson Poole;
–  Miss Florrie Ward aged 4 years of Silver Street, Middlesbrough had been a patient in the sanatorium for one month.  Miss Ward presented a bouquet to Mrs Poole; and
–  Alderman and Lieutenant Colonel T Gibson Poole, VD JP

Poole Sanatorium Opening Ceremony 22 June 1932

Poole Sanatorium Opening Ceremony 22 June 1932

VD = Volunteers (officers) Decoration

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