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  1. That would have been Middlesbrough High School for Boys at that time (early ’60’s) judging by the cars.
    The Girls were next door
    Story was that the girls should have been in here and vice versa but due to a mix up with the toilet fittings it was this way. That’s the story anyway.
    Of course it didn’t matter when sometime around 1066 it became a mixed school over both sites. Then it became the Sixth Form College

  2. I was at the High School from 1965 -1972 and remember the kerfuffle caused by the amalgamation of the boy’s and girl’s schools. Toilet facilities for boys had to be created in the girl’s school and vice-versa and the open staircase in the old boy’s school had to be blocked in to stop boys sitting underneath at lunchtime and looking up the girl’s skirts! There must be more than one tale going around about which building was supposed to be the boy’s school and which the girl’s. I heard that they fitted the domestic science rooms and woodwork rooms in the wrong buildings. A couple of years into the amalgamation the idea that “girls did cookery and boys did woodwork” was thrown out and boys and girls could opt for either.

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