Corporation Hotel (1969)

A Photo of the Corporation Hotel on the corner of Corporation Road and Albert Road on 16 July 1969. The actress Wendy Richards’ (EastEnders) parents ran the hotel and she lived there as a child.

The Centre North East building (Turtle Bay restaurant ground floor) now stands on this location. The County Savings Bank and British Home Stores are shown further down Corporation Road currently the Cleveland Centre.

Corporation Road with Albert Road - Showing Corporation Hotel_16th July 1969_Department of Planning - Cleveland County Council_

8 replies »

  1. My father ran the Corporation Hotel from 1954 until 1970, after which, it was knocked down. I lived there until I went to work in London in 1965 aged 24.

    • Hi Pauline..remember Alf very well…great guy…terrific when buffets were the order of the day…he was so creative. My dad, manager, thought the world of him.
      I left the hotel to go and work in London, in 1965.
      I now live in Melbourne Australia
      John Tuddenham

      • So sorry I never got back to you befor now I’m not really good on computers I’ve just come across this post I’m over the moon you had known my dad . I remember always going to see my dad at work me and my sister used to go up and down on the lift for ages we loved playing on it and play on the spinning doors thank you so much for getting back to me

  2. Does anyone have memory of the visit to the hotel for dinner by the the footballers from Partizan Belgrade in May 1951 ?

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